Mark 1:15 NLT


Mark 1:15 from the New Living Translation of the Bible, is part of the introduction of Jesus’ public ministry in the Gospel of Mark. In this passage, Jesus begins His preaching with a proclamation that is central to His message throughout the Gospels.

Contextually, this statement follows immediately after Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist and His temptation in the wilderness. Returning to Galilee, Jesus begins His ministry with the declaration that the time promised by God—the fulfillment of the prophetic expectation of the Messiah—has arrived. The “Kingdom of God” that Jesus refers to is a central theme in His teaching. It signifies the reign and rule of God being established, which brings about transformation both in individuals and in society as a whole.

Jesus’ call to “repent of your sins and believe the Good News” is an invitation to turn away from sinful ways and to embrace the Gospel—the good news of God’s salvation available through Jesus. This marks the beginning of Jesus’ call to people to respond to the presence of God’s Kingdom through repentance and faith.

This message sets the tone for the transformative, challenging, and hope-filled ministry that Jesus would carry out, — emphasizing both the imminent fulfillment of God’s promises and the need for a personal response to that fulfillment.


Here are some key applications:

  1. Urgency of Response: The proclamation that “The time promised by God has come at last!” suggests a sense of urgency and immediacy. This can be interpreted as a call for people to promptly assess their lives and make necessary changes. The idea is not to delay turning towards God but to act now, recognizing the momentous nature of the fulfillment of God’s promises.
  2. Call to Repentance: Repentance is a fundamental Christian concept that involves a sincere turning away from sin and turning towards God. This application involves acknowledging one’s sins, feeling genuine remorse, and making a committed effort to change behavior. It’s about transforming one’s mind and actions to align more closely with God’s ways.
  3. Faith in the Gospel: Believing the Good News is another crucial aspect. This is the faith component—trusting in the message of Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers. This belief isn’t merely intellectual agreement but involves trusting in Jesus for transformation and redemption.
  4. Living Out the Kingdom of God: Since the Kingdom of God is near, as Jesus states, this implies that followers of Jesus are to live in ways that reflect the values of this Kingdom. This includes practices like justice, mercy, love, and peace. It encourages a lifestyle that showcases the characteristics of God’s rule, influencing society positively.
  5. Evangelism and Witness: Believers are encouraged to share this message of repentance and faith with others. The “Good News” is not just for individual transformation but also for communal and global impact. Sharing the message of Jesus and the availability of the Kingdom of God is a central task for Christians.
  6. Hope and Comfort: Finally, this verse offers hope and comfort, knowing that God’s promises are being fulfilled. It reassures believers that God is active and working in the world and in individual lives. This hope can be a source of strength in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

Each of these applications is meant to guide how individuals live out their faith in practical and meaningful ways, influencing both their personal growth and their interaction with the world around them.


  1. “The time promised by God”: Indicates the fulfillment of prophecies and the arrival of a significant, divinely appointed period.
  2. “has come at last”: Suggests the culmination or realization of something long-awaited.
  3. “The Kingdom of God”: Refers to the reign and rule of God; a central theme of Jesus’ teaching.
  4. “is near”: Implies immediacy and proximity, encouraging an urgent response.
  5. “Repent of your sins”: Calls for a sincere acknowledgment and turning away from sin.
  6. “believe the Good News”: Invites accepting and trusting in the message of salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

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